TalkAbout Let it Be'Gin​
Registration: AKC SS08497404
Date of birth: September 9, 2018
Titles: Pursing TKN and RN
Elbows: GR-EL52377F31-VPI
Hips: GR-132785G31F-VPI
Eyes: GR-EYE22739/29F-NOPI
Heart: GR-ACA6661/30F-VPI
Detention: GR-DE1164/31F-VPI
PRA1: Clear
PRA2: Clear
ICT: Carrier
DM: Clear
NCL: Clear

Ginny is a little firecracker. Standing just 19" and weighing 45 lbs, she is small, but speedy and agile. Exceptional food and toy drive, Ginny would've made an excellent agility dog. However, we co-own Ginny with family members, where she is primarily a cherished family pet. Ginny is excellent with children, including her 6 year old best friend Zoe, and has a blast playing with other dogs, though known for bossing them around a little! An extremely athletic dog, Ginny can jump a 3ft baby gate from a stand still. She has excellent water courage, and is a very strong swimmer. Obedient and biddable, she tries her hardest to please her humans and needs very little correction. While she has not been on birds, as a puppy she had excellent bird drive (and has been known to retrieve a wandering chicken or two). Her pedigree brings in well-known powerhouses of the retrieving world, and we can definitely see that in Ginny! She has had one litter to date, with offspring succeeding in HRC and AKC hunt tests, hunting with their owners, and starring in music videos!